Solutions for a sustainable and
safer future
Products and services
Our services include planning, advising services and ongoing follow-up on plans to develop the bioresources of wheat feedstock in Canada and Russia (Far East) as part of their initiatives for further rural development. We welcome any queries from institutions of higher learning, government bodies, industry groups and non-government organizations (NGOs).
We offer service literature with information on WheatUS company funds planning for future investment in this technology and industry.
Product Uses in Industry
About us
We are a consulting as we speak for the WheatUS Bio Hub model of media companies (E/I) investing in feeds and energy (e. g. hi-energy carboxyols and grade biokerosene for avionics) using fibre-based feedstock from wheat in the former Soviet Far East (Russia), Western Canada and the West Coast of British Columbia (Canada).
Latest News
"Closed-circuit" hydroponic farming for increased greens and fishstocks.
April 25 2024
WheatUS is built around the conception of producing renewable protein sources and other foods like vegetables and fruits, feedstocks from fibre including producing feeds from "Yeast Bagasse", Urea-Silage, SSF tropical residual technologies, and the new technology of synthetic convert flour from cellulose using US patent enzyme technology to be used for poultry & eggs and salmon feeding off the Mainlands of Vancouver Island, Canada and Sakhalin Island in Russia and even Brazil. These represent sustainable sources of protein from fish, poultry and eggs and staples in addition to milk products from insider dairy agri-retailers and also renewable energy.
Carboxyols and Kerosene for Renewable Fuels in Transport, Naval, and Avionics.
April 25 2024
From bioethanol, to denser isobutanol and now longer-chain isopentenol with recent enzyme technology we are hoping to raise via fermentation from enzyme-SSF from saccharified fermentation feedstock to fuels that are highly efficient especially as transport fuels (viz. trailer trucks, rail, naval, aeronautical) for island-inter-island-mainland travel. As we speak we have an independent company projected bio-kerosene make called Bio-nol(R) with bioethanol from areas like semi-arid southwestern Mexico and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and southern Africa.